2020 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Classes
Briggs 206 Junior Yellow
Briggs 206 Medium
Briggs 206 Heavy
Briggs 206 Masters
Margay Ignite Jr.
Margay Ignite Sr.
Margay Ignite Masters
IAME X30 Sr.
IAME Masters
FK100cc JR.
FK100cc SR.
IAME 175 Shifters Sr.
KZ/ROK/Honda Shifters Sr.
IAME 175 Shifters Masters
KZ/ROK/Honda Shifters Mast.
Yamaha Supercan Jr.
Yamaha Supercan Sr.
Yamaha Supercan Masters
Age 35+ or 30 if driver is +200#
Age 35+ or 30 if driver is +200#
Age 35+ or 30 if driver is +200#
Age 35+ or 30 if driver is +200#
Age 35+ or 30 if driver is +200#
360#*/340# Yam.
See Below
See Below
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R80
Hoosier R80
Hoosier R80
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R55
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
Hoosier R60B 7.10
CIK Style Bodywork & Seat Rules Apply
CIK Style Bodywork & Seat Rules Apply
CIK Style Bodywork & Seat Rules Apply
CIK Style Bodywork & Seat Rules Apply
Per Margay Ignite Rules
Per Margay Ignite Rules
Per Margay Ignite Rules
X30 or Leopard legal in Masters
KA100 & VLR Only
KA100, VLR, KT100 (open pipe/clutch), KPP
Will share track time with KZ Masters**
Will share track time with 175 Masters**
Will share track time with KZ Senior**
Will share track time with 175 Senior**
All Yamaha Classes will share track time
All Yamaha Classes will share track time
All Yamaha Classes will share track time
IAME Masters Weights:
Front Brakes are LEGAL in IAME Masters; add 20# to your engine's weight if using front brakes!
KZ/ROK/Honda Shifter Weights:
Senior: KZ 395#, ROK (running per ROK rules) 385#, Stock Honda 375#.
Masters: KZ 425#, ROK (running per ROK rules) 415#, Stock Honda 405#.
100cc JR.:
KA100: 22mm OEM Header.
VLR100: ROK Cup USA OEM Restricted Header.
*Weight subject to change to balance performance
*USAC reserves the right to modify these weights at any time based on additional performance information.
**Dependent on Entries: ran together, scored separately or combined into one class. (see info in News section)
Classes with FEWER than 10 entries by
July 1st are subject to cancellation.
IMS Pit Entry and Parking
DEPENDING on the Indianapolis 500 schedule the pit information below may be null and void, and we will be using the pits we've used since 2017. If 500 events do not conflict with our event, the below information is valid. At this time (6/11/2020), we will be using the 2017-2019 pit area on the inside of oval turn 3.
In 2020, the pit paddock, finish line, and pit in/out are moving to the area just east of the Tower Terrace Suites (where the USAC .25 Midgets raced in previous years). This move will allow us more pit area on better surfaces, better facilities and infrastructure, better concessions options, and allow the Finish line to be in sight of the paddock.
The starting line will still be in the same spot as it has been since 2017. This timing line is a much safer spot to start races from than the new finish line on 7th Street. So much like the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Complex does for Indycar, our starts and finishes will be at two separate spots! Qualifying will still use the same start/finish line for timing as it has since 2017.
Since the paddock is moving, pit entry and the grid will also be along 7th Street (see the map below). Formation laps will be short, and any "wave offs" of starts will result in laps being deducted from that race session and/or grid penalties for one or both karts on the front row. With only so much running time, we cannot tolerate poor alignments & "games" being played on the starts. After the checkered flag, the field will make another complete circuit to come back around to pit in. If the last kart still competing has passed the reentry point of the "shortcut" (on the inner-loop, turn 4), karts might be waved through the shortcut after turn 7 (see map below).
DO NOT PASS after taking the checkered.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Track Map
The IMS kart track is a hybrid of the interior road course used by Indycar, Formula 1, and Motor GP and service roads. Overall, the track measures just over 1-mile. The track is ultra wide in many spots, measuring over 70' in some spots. While the service roads have some bumps (not more than some kart tracks), the interior road course is extremely smooth.
Following the suggestions of some very respected karting industry leaders, we have made a couple of changes to the track since the test. These are noted in RED on the photo below. The "bus stop", going onto the oval will be tightened up and much slower. Additionally, instead of the flowing right onto Hulman Blvd. coming out of the carousel, the track will now go straight and take a much sharper right ~creating another passing/braking zone. This should 1) slow overall speeds, and 2) add to the competitiveness of the circuit.
*Track layout subject to change due to IMS scheduling for oval activitites.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Schedule
The final Minute-by-Minutes schedule is still being developed. However, the TENTATIVE information below is being released to help with planning. All times are Indianapolis time (EST).
Wednesday July 29nd (OPTIONAL):
4:00pm: Pre-staging parking lot opens to karting participants (off 16th St. between Speedway station and Polco road). Overnight camping is allowed; however, there will not be any services or security on-site.
Thursday July 30rd (OPTIONAL):
11am-5pm: Parking. (Sponsors/Semis can park at 8am)
12pm-5pm: Pre-tech, tire distribution.
3pm-4pm: Track walk
6:00pm: Pits Close
Friday July 31th:
7am: Pits Open
8am: Driver’s Meeting
8:30am-11am: Pre-tech open
8:30am-12:30pm: Practice by class, two rounds per class.
12:30pm-1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00pm-2:30pm: Practice by class, one round per class.
2:45pm-4:30pm: Qualifying by class.
5:00pm: The Lap
7:00pm: Pits Close
Saturday Aug. 1:
7:00am: Pits Open
8:00am-9:30am: Pre-Tech Open
8am-9:00am: Warmup by Engine Class
9:30am-12:30pm: Heat Races
12:30pm-1:15pm: Lunch Break
1:15pm-(?): Semi Finals & LCQs (if necessary)
8:00pm: Pits Close
Sunday Aug. 2:
7:00am: Pits Open
7:30am-8:30am: Pre-Tech Open
8:00am-9:00am: Warmup by Engine Class
9:30am-9:45am: Opening Ceremonies
10:00am-12:00pm: Finals Begin
1200pm-12:45pm: Podium Ceremonies for Morning Finals & Lunch Break
12:45pm-(?) Finals
7:00pm: All Transporters Must Vacate Pits.
IMS Oil, Fuel, & Tire Rules:
Approved 2-cycle Oils:
AMSOIL Dominator
Burris Castor
Burris Blend
Motul GP 2T
Xceramic (USPKS Spec Oil)
ELF (SKUSA Spec Oil)
All mixed at a maximum of 8oz. per gallon
2-cycle Spec Fuel:
VP C12 in 5 gallon pales.
4-cycle Spec Fuel:
LO206 classes will run a spec unleaded fuel without Ethanol. Further information will follow.
Tire Purchase & Use Rules:
Each driver (not entry) must purchase one (1) set of tires through USAC. If you are running multiple classes, feel free to use the same tires in each class (however, that is not required; just trying to save the karters money if they so desire). If you are running classes that use different tire brands, you are still only required to buy one set total through USAC; however, each class will be required to qualify on 'sticker' tires.
You may practice on any brand/compound you wish (don't blame us if you practice on X and get tight in qualifying on Y).
If you are running multiple classes with the same tire brand/compound, you can run a) the same set in all classes, b) purchase 1 set per class through USAC, or c) bring one new set, in the wrappers, to USAC for inspection ~this may include stamping, chemical 'sniffing', and/or trading sets.
You must qualify on the set purchased from USAC & they must be stamped prior to leaving the grid for qualifying. If you choose to run the same set in multiple classes, they will be marked after qualifying of your first class and are therefore approved to be run in another class.
All Briggs, Yamaha, FK100cc, & IAME X30 Masters Classes are only allowed one new set per weekend. After qualifying, no new ("sticker") tires will be allowed to be used in these classes unless approved due to damage.
Senior and Masters 125cc Shifter & IAME X30 Senior classes are allowed two sets of race tires for the weekend. Both sets must be stamped by USAC before qualifications begin on Friday, and one set must be the set purchased through USAC.